Let`s talk writer’s rounds.  Writer’s rounds can be a great way for artists and songwriters to share their songs without having to commit to playing a two-hour show.  There are positives and negatives when it comes to writer’s rounds as well as misinformation. Let`s break this down.

In the past, renowned venues such as the Bluebird Café and even TV shows like “Nashville” have garnered a reputation for writer’s rounds as a pathway to getting signed by record labels. We have all heard the phrase, “you never know who might be in the audience.” While this was true in previous years, the landscape of A&R and talent scouting has undergone substantial transformations because of the introduction to social media.

While it’s still possible for an artist manager or an artist relations representative to attend a live show, hear an artist perform, and be so struck by their talent they offer them a record deal, it’s increasingly unlikely that A&R representatives will scout venues in person. Social media platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram have now become their primary tools for talent discovery. In the past, A&R reps would travel state to state, attending live shows if they caught wind of someone generating a buzz. They would then make the journey to see the artist in question perform and decide whether to extend a label offer.

Today, the process is different. Streaming platforms like Spotify have simplified talent scouting for A&R representatives. They can observe which artists are dominating the charts and do some research as to whether or not they are signed.  Additionally, record labels are now placing more emphasis on an artist’s ability to attract and cultivate a dedicated following on social media. While talent remains a key criterion, the capacity to attract and grow an audience and gather a social media following has become a central focus. It’s not solely about being a guitar god or a mega vocalist; it is about building a community and resonance with a broad audience.


So, what do writer`s rounds have to offer?  They are still a great way to connect with fellow musicians and form a community.  They are also a wonderful opportunity to network, especially in a music city like Nashville.  You never know who is playing in your round or who will be sitting in the audience.  You could find your next writing partner, producer, or opportunity for another round circuit or solo show.  It is a great way to connect with people who share the same passions as you and even make friends!  Everyone is so willing to be open and speak to you because everyone is trying to accomplish the same goals!


Some cons of writer`s rounds are, well, you’re not going to make a lot of money.  You are not even guaranteed tips.  You also have to be cautious of the venue that hosts the round.  I have been at rounds where there is only one mic, or no sound guy, or the plugin for the amp doesn’t work.  There can always be some funny moments and at the end of the day you just have to laugh them off and create a funny story.  Everyone has been there! Nothing is ever going to run perfectly smooth, but that is just part of show business, and you have to be ready to adapt to anything!

Shows or Rounds?
Paid shows are great because you are getting paid for your services.  You make more money than rounds and have the chance to showcase your art solo on stage for a longer period of time. Some people like this better than rounds, but a drawback is you are the only artist performing, so you do not have as many networking opportunities, and it is a little less laid back.  The same issues with venues can also occur so you have to be equally as prepared and bring your own equipment if you can!
It’s not uncommon for artists to begin with writer’s rounds, strengthen their stage presence and confidence, and then transition to solo shows as they grow more comfortable with their persona on stage. Writer’s rounds and paid shows have their own unique advantages and can be valuable platforms for showcasing your musical talents, connecting with fellow musicians, and sharpening your stage performance. Ultimately, the choice  depends on your specific goals and the opportunities available to you.

Both writer’s rounds and shows can be a great way to showcase your musical abilities and a great opportunity for networking and sharpening your stage performances.  Remember, whatever you do, have fun with it and support your fellow artists in your community because Nashville is a smaller town than most think! You never know who you will run into or get into business with!

Me performing in a writer’s round at Sidebar

Me performing in a writer’s round at Up Rooftop in the Gulch


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