Navigating your 20s in Nashville while grappling with questions about your identity and career path can be a challenging endeavor. It’s a journey many can relate to, as most people, at some point in their lives, struggle with the daunting task of defining their career. In the following blog, I will share my personal experience and the compelling reasons that led me to make the bold decision to move to Nashville and pursue a career in music.

Starting Out

When I first moved here, I was overwhelmed.  I am from a smaller town in North Carolina called Greenville, so everything I knew about music was either from the internet or my guitar class at school.  I have always grown up with a love for music, I have just struggled on what I wanted to do with it.  I have been a singer songwriter since I was 6 years old, then started piano at the age of eight and guitar at 10, so it was always clear to me that I wanted to find a path that allowed me to remain deeply connected to the music industry. In the span of my four years in Nashville, I can honestly say that I have undergone a remarkable transformation. The person I am today is different from the girl who first set foot in this city. Through the experiences of performing in rounds, my education at Belmont University, and the invaluable relationships I have cultivated, I’ve not only learned a great deal about Nashville but also gained profound insights into myself.  I often find myself reflecting on the past, wishing that someone had shared certain insights with me earlier in life. So today, I will be sharing some key advice that I wish I could have shared with my younger self.

Don’t Be Afraid Of a Challenge

Throughout my entire life, I’ve always welcomed challenges with open arms. Moving to Nashville during the height of the COVID pandemic, all on my own, didn’t faze me. I embraced the opportunity to make new friends, leaving my hometown and old friends behind to start fresh in a new city. Trying new things was never a source of fear for me, as long as I knew they would contribute to my personal growth. However, the moment I arrived in Nashville and found myself surrounded by individuals chasing the same dreams and aspirations, I was struck by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. I suddenly felt so small in this vast sea of talent and ambition. Being naturally shy, it was a challenge for me to open up and put myself out there. I hesitated to perform my songs live, as I was plagued by self-doubt, questioning whether I was good enough or if my songs held any merit. Yet, my fears turned out to be irrational.The people I encountered at writer’s rounds and other events provided me with a sense of belonging and security. Their support and encouragement nurtured my confidence, eventually helping me overcome my hesitations. It took three years, but I believe I’ve now fully grown into my identity as an artist, solidifying my unique style. This journey was filled with challenges, but each obstacle was a stepping stone to my personal and artistic growth.

Embrace Your Own Journey

 It is easy for anyone to get caught up in other’s successes, but this is especially true in Nashville.  Staying true to your own journey is important because it reminds you to focus on our own path, goals, and growth rather than comparing yourself to others or getting sidetracked by their achievements or choices. By adhering to your own successes and desires, you can cultivate self-awareness, confidence, and a sense of purpose. Embrace your experiences, learn from your successes and setbacks, and keep moving forward on the path that aligns with your aspirations and values.  There is always going to be someone better, smarter, and more successful than you.  That does not make your achievements any less significant.  Remembering this has helped me grow and gain so much more confidence! I know it will always be difficult, but I can honestly say I am satisfied in my journey and I am learning to stop and smell the roses every once in a while and celebrate the little successes as well as the big!




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